Access Tuolumne, the cablecast-based public access television outlet of Tuolumne County, provided full video coverage of the CCPCA's 92nd General Conference, which was held at the Black Oak Casino Resort Hotel on October 6-7, 2023.   The video was divided into seven chapters, and has been presented as part of the local programming for Tuolumne County's cable customers.

Appreciation goes out to Access Tuolumne for providing this resource.  The video shown is sourced from their archives at the Access Tuolumne website:

Direct link to archive site:


Blue Zones Project 00:17:58

A worldwide research project was done in the places around the world where people lived the longest and were the healthiest. The results showed four core lifestyle values that impact longevity the most: Move Naturally, Right Outlook, Eat Wisely, and Connect. The Blue Zones is teaching us how these core philosophies can be incorporated into our communities through planning processes, as well as into our own lives. Presented by Kristi Conforti, Public Policy Advocate, BZP Tuolumne County & Cathy Parker, Director, Wellbeing, Adventist Health Sonora and BZP Local Sponsor.

Habitat for Humanity 00:37:22

Presented by Trinity Abila Habitat - restoring hope and dignity through innovative solutions, community collaboration and a holistic approach to housing. This presentation includes a bold new direction for Habitat - building 3D-printed homes for the aged and disabled.

Planner's Boot Camp 01:30:01

Dave Ruby, Tuolumne County Planning Manager, presents a training course for current and prospective planning commissioners.

Golden State Natural Resources 02:27:00

Carolyn Jhajj - Communications Director, and Arthur Wylene, Legal Counsel. “Procuring and processing excess biomass into wood pellets for use in renewable energy regeneration.”

Heartwood Biomass LLC 03:11:29

CEO David Schmidt "We make our products out of the wood others throw away, like scrap from forest waste, forest thinning, and wildfire mitigation projects. The result is wood that not only helps preserve our forests, but helps preserve jobs in our rural community.”

Yosemite Clean Energy 03:39:26

Presented by Sherri Brennan. Yosemite Clean Energy utilizes state-of-the-art technology and partners with local communities to transform wood waste into renewable, affordable, zero-emission fuels to restore and strengthen the environment

UCCE Biomass in Construction 03:54:16

UC Agriculture and Natural Resources University of California Cooperative Extension - Cindy Chen The presentation will provide an overview of current research progress of renewable bio products and wood products. The presentation will also discuss opportunities for community and economic development in these sectors while reaching the state’s long-term goals of wildfire fuel reduction.

Dinner & Keynotes 04:09:48


About Access Tuolumne:

Access Tuolumne’s legal name is Tuolumne County Community Cable Access (TCCCA), a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation.  It was created to facilitate public access to the local cable television service. Public access television was established in the 70s by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). Since 1976, the FCC has required that cable systems in communities with 3,500 or more subscribers set aside up to 4 cable TV channels for use by the public.

Access Tuolumne is not directly funded by local government. Funding is via a small charge on the monthly Comcast bills of county residents. Called a PEG fund, its use is restricted to the purchase of equipment and facilities. Local government is however an important client: both the City of Sonora and Tuolumne County pay Access Tuolumne for broadcasting and, in some cases, recording government meetings.

Access Tuolumne programming is made available on local cable, as well as Roku and AppleTV channels, and via internet streaming.