The mission of the California County Planning Commissioners' Association is to promote and provide education for all California County Planning Commissioners.


Knowledge Through Education.


Section 1.01. The name of this Association is the California County Planning Commissioners Association (CCPCA).

Section 1.02. The Association shall consist of three districts: North, Central and South. The boundaries of such districts shall be established by the Executive Committee, provided that no county shall be moved to a new district except with the approval of that county's planning commission.

Section 1.03. The name and address in the State of California of this Association's agent for service of process shall be filed annually, or as required by the State, and shall be that of the Executive Director.


Section 2.01. This Association is a non-profit public benefit association and is not organized for the private gain of any person or group. It is organized under the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law for public purposes.*

Section 2.02. The specific purpose of the Association is to promote the cooperation of all county planning commissioners and their respective commissions of the State of California through the interchange of information, advice, and planning techniques; to further the establishment and development of the best social, economic and environmental planning practices; to stimulate the interest of the general public in the benefits of comprehensive land use planning, and educate local and state governing bodies, regarding legislative measures or positions with respect to land use planning deemed by the Association to be in the public interest.

* Wording of this paragraph is required by the State of California.


Section 3.01. All County Planning Commissioners of the State of California shall qualify for membership in the Association from the time of taking oath of office as a commissioner until their retirement or removal from office or from membership on a county planning commission.

Section 3.02. All members of the Association shall be entitled to attend all meetings of the Association and to have a voice and vote on all matters coming before a meeting, except that voting eligibility of any member shall be accorded only to those members whose commission's current dues are paid. Dues are due and payable to the CCPCA by July 1 annually (Sec. 6.01.1).

Section 3.03. Associate membership may be extended by the Executive Committee to former County Planning Commissioners, county planning directors and former planning directors.  Each person who has previously held the office of President (Past President), and who does not enjoy membership status by reason of not being an active county planning commissioner, shall be deemed a lifteime associate member unless specifically removed from membership by the executive committee.  Associate membership shall not carry the privilege of voting or holding office in the Association, except that Past Presidents who are also Associate Members shall be eligible to become elected officers as defined in Article IV herein.

Section 3.04. Any number of Past Presidents shall be eligible to be seated and be recognized to advise at the Executive Committee meetings set forth in Article IV, provided however that they shall not be eligible to cast votes unless holding a position of officer, director or representative.

Section 3.05. CCPCA shall have an Educational Partners Program (EPP), as described in the Policies and Procedures Manual. The purpose of the EPP is to facilitate CCPCA's educational programs by helping CCPCA undertake a large outreach program and thereby encourage larger participation in the statewide conference.

Section 3.06. The CCPCA operates under a "sunshine policy." All of the CCPCA meetings are open. All sponsors are listed in event documents. All contributions must be made to CCPCA. Individual CCPCA members may not accept personal donations on behalf of CCPCA. All contributions received are for the express purpose of education. Neither sponsors nor Educational Partners may dictate CCPCA's actions.


Section 4.01. The officers of the Association shall consist of a president, a president elect, a vice president, and a secretary treasurer.

Section 4.02. The Association shall have an Executive Committee consisting of the President, President Elect, Vice president, Secretary-Treasurer, Immediate Past President, and three District Directors.  There should also be six district representatives  (The Northern, Central, and Southern Districts will each have one District Director and two District Representatives). Additionally, up to two alternates may be elected per district. All Officers, Directors and Representatives are to be participants in Executive Committee discussions and decisions.

4.2.1. Each district will nominate one district director, up to two district representatives, and up to two alternate representatives, to be ratified by the general membership at the annual meeting. Each district director may host a spring conference within that district. Each district director and representative(s) will represent their district at all Executive Committee meetings and be able to vote on all matters which come before them. All vacant director and representative positions will be filled by election at the next State General Conference by majority vote of the general membership of those present and eligible to vote. Vacancies may also be filled by majority vote of the executive committee at a properly noticed meeting and a quorum present as provided in section 4.07.1.

4.2.2. Each district will have up to three votes to be cast by the director, representatives, or alternates. The district will have as many votes as they have representatives present at the Executive Committee meeting. In districts with elected alternates, alternates are eligible voters only when replacing a district director or representative who is absent.

Section 4.03. Officers, Directors and Representatives shall serve a term of one calendar year, commencing January 1. In the event an elected Officer, Director or Representative should retire or be removed from the membership of their respective county planning commission prior to expiration of their term of service within this association, that individual, upon approval of the majority of the Executive Committee, may continue to serve until the end of their elected term.

Section 4.04. Only commissioners of planning commissions whose dues are paid, or Past Presidents, shall be eligible to hold office in the Association.

Section 4.05.   The duties of the officers of the Association shall be as follows:

4.5.1. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Corporation.  The president shall preside over all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee; shall appoint all committees; and shall carry on such other business or activities as the bylaws provide or as specified at the annual or any special meetings, or at meetings of the Executive Committee. If an opportunity should arise for external appointments or opportunities that are not part of the structure of this organization - the President is authorized to make those appointments after consulting with the Executive Committee by telephone or other means.

4.5.2. The president elect shall assist the president in the execution of the duties of their office, and to act in their stead during their absence from annual meetings, special meetings, or meetings of the Executive Committee.

4.5.3. The vice president shall assist the president in the execution of the duties of their office, and in the event of the absence of the president and president elect, to act in their stead during their absence from annual meetings, special meetings, or meetings of the Executive Committee.

4.5.4. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be the Chief Financial Officer of the Corporation.  It shall be the responsibility of the Secretary-Treasurer to keep a record of all annual or special meetings, and meetings of the Executive committee, and provide minutes to the Executive Committee Members. The Secretary-Treasurer shall maintain, or cause to be maintained, an accurate record of the membership of the Association and shall collect all monies due the Association and deposit them into an account approved by the Executive Committee. Transactions of Association funds shall be authorized at the annual meeting or special meetings or by the Executive Committee, or the President. The Secretary Treasurer shall keep or cause to be kept a record of ail financial transactions, and shall submit reports to the Executive Committee on request. The Secretary-Treasurer shall carry on correspondence necessitated by the function of the office, shall perform or cause to be performed, such other duties or services at the annual or special meetings as the Executive Committee may determine necessary. The Secretary Treasurer, at the end of their service, shall turn over to a successor, or to the Executive Committee, all monies, records and property of the Association.

With the approval of the Executive Committee, the Secretary-Treasurer may retain such professional and/or clerical services as may be deemed necessary to perform the work of the office efficiently.

Section 4.06. A professional and/or clerical support person (entitled - Executive Director to the CCPCA) may be appointed to perform all responsibilities within the scope of the Secretary-Treasurer's duties as directed by the President, Secretary-Treasurer and the Executive Committee.

Section 4.07. It is the responsibility of the Executive Committee to provide policy and administrative guidance for the activities of the Association, to assure liaison and representation to other groups, to assist the president in the execution of their duties and to provide a line of communication between the Association and those counties within the Region which they represent.

4.7.1. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to fill all vacancies among the officers and the Executive Committee occurring between annual meetings of the Association, subject to the provisions of Section 4.04, above.

4.7.2. The Executive Committee may appoint past Executive Committee members to represent CCPCA, in such capacities as is deemed necessary. Compensation for expenses incurred shall be pre-approved by the Executive Committee.


Section 5.01. A majority of the members present, who are eligible to vote, as provided by Article III, shall constitute a quorum at any duly called annual meeting or business session thereof.

Section 5.02. Four (4) members shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Committee, including teleconference call meetings.


Section 6.01. The annual dues of the Association shall be tiered to reflect population as follows:


Counties with a population of:   up to Dues
Less than 20,000     $100
20,000 and 100,000 $125
100,000 and 500,000 $250
500,000 and 1,000,000 $350
1,000, 000 or more     $400

6.1.1. Dues are payable to CCPCA July 1 annually.
6.1.2. The Executive Committee shall review the budget and determine county dues in an amount sufficient to provide for the approved budget, increases in dues shall be in
10 percent intervals of basic dues. Dues rates shall be reviewed by the Executive Committee bi-annually (every odd year).

6.1.3. If a deficit is carried forward from the previous year, it shall be added to the current year’s budget before determining dues assessments for the ensuing year.

Section 6.02. The Secretary Treasurer shall, not later than March 15, of each year, invoice all commissions for the current year's dues as determined by the Executive Committee.


Section 7.01. There shall be an annual meeting of the Association. The time and place thereof shall be approved by the Executive Committee and notice thereof shall be given to each commission at least 90 days prior to the date set.

Section 7.02. At their discretion, District Directors may provide an annual regional meeting to further the objectives of the Association for members in their respective districts when appropriate.

Section 7.03. Special meetings of the Association may be called when deemed necessary for the best interest of the Association by the Executive Committee, with the approval, or on the demand of the majority of the dues paying commission.

Section 7.04. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the president, not less than twice each year, at any time or place, notice to be given at least 72 hours prior to the date and time set. Emergency meetings require only 24 hour notice.

Section 7.05. Special meetings of the Executive Committee, including teleconference call meetings, shall be called by the president or any two members of the Executive Committee. Notice to be given at least 72 hours prior to the date and time set.

Section 7.06. Expenses incurred by the Executive Committee while conducting Association business, shall be paid by the Association if or when funds are available, unless available from some other source.



Section 8.01. The officers of the Association and the Executive Committee shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Association, and shall assume office as provided in Article IV, Section 4.03.
Section 8.02. No less than 30 days prior to the annual meeting, the president shall appoint a nominating committee consisting of three persons, one from each District, to nominate a slate of officers for the ensuing year.

8.2.1. The nominating committee shall select its nominees in accordance with Article IV and report its recommendations at the second day of the annual meeting, at which time additional nominations may be made from the floor. If more than one candidate is nominated for any office, elections shall be by written ballot of the membership in attendance.

8.2.2. Written ballots shall be counted by the nominating committee.

8.2.3. Election results shall be announced prior to the close of the annual meeting.


Section 9.01. At the annual conference of the Association the president shall appoint an audit committee consisting of three persons, one from each district, who shall review the records of the secretary treasurer and report to the membership at the Association business meeting.

Section 9.02. The president may appoint such other committees, as deemed necessary.


Section 10.01.These bylaws may be amended, revised or repealed at any regular annual meeting of the Association, or at any special meeting called for that purpose, or by mail vote, provided that notice or intention to amend, revise or repeal the bylaws in whole or in part, shall have been given at least 30 days prior to the date of the said annual meeting, or without such notice, by a two-thirds vote of all members present at the meeting who are eligible to vote.

10.01.1. The Policies and Procedures shall be amended by the Executive Committee.

Section 10.02. A resolution may be presented at any meeting of the Association provided that said resolution shall have been distributed to each planning commission at least 30 days prior to said meeting in a manner prescribed by the president. The resolution committee shall hold a hearing on the proposed resolution at the meeting. The provisions of this section may be waived by a two-thirds vote of all members present at the meeting who are eligible to vote.


Section 11.01. All meetings of the Association shall be conducted in an openly deliberative and parliamentary manner, and pusuant to the provisions of California Corporation Code, section 5211.  Written parliamentary rules of order may be adopted by the Executive Commitee as part of its Policies and Procedures.

Section 11.02. The immediate past-president of the Association shall be its parliamentarian, and nothwithstanding other provisions herein shall be a voting member of the Executive Committee.


Revision History Rev.    01/31/92
Rev. 1    01/17/97
Rev. 2    03/09/00
Rev. 3    10/04/00 
Rev. 4    11/13/04
Rev. 5    01/08/05 
Rev. 6    10/29/06 
Rev. 7    10/25/08 
Rev. 8    10/12/12
Rev. 9    10/24/16 
Rev.10   10/16/21